Just reminding myself that I have made some textile things over the past few months! I've made a few laundry bags for various babies and a wall hanging. None of these are particularly 'arty', but then why should they be? There was definitely pressure at art school to be 'arty' and ''conceptual', and I've found it very difficult to shake this feeling off since graduating. I find myself dismissing ideas because I don't think they're creative enough and worry about other people looking down on me for what I make. Is there anything wrong with being 'stitchy' or wanting to make a cushion cover? Isn't is these kinds of things that earn money? I wonder if the Orla Kielys or Cath Kidstons of the professional world ever felt like this, or if they just went for it?!
Saying that, I do miss the studio space and creative environment of uni. It's not that easy working in a small spare room, cutting your fabrics out on the floor and using the bed as a table extension. I guess even Orla and Cath started out somewhere...